{"id":5167,"date":"2018-04-24T13:06:09","date_gmt":"2018-04-24T13:06:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=5167"},"modified":"2020-10-05T21:59:17","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T01:59:17","slug":"the-overwatch-league-betting-tips-for-stage-3-week-4-april-25","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/the-overwatch-league-betting-tips-for-stage-3-week-4-april-25\/","title":{"rendered":"The Overwatch League \u2013 Betting Tips for Stage 3 Week 4, April 25"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Overwatch League is about to enter its 4th week of Stage 3 and as always, 12 matches will be played over the course of 4 days. A wide variety of betting opportunities are available this week but before I start analyzing them, let\u2019s take a look at the current standings table.<\/p>\n

\nOWL 2018:
OVERWATCH BETTING TIPS APRIL 26<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Stage 3 standings table<\/h2>\n

1st place:<\/strong> Boston Uprising (6 WINS \u2013 0 LOSSES)
\n2nd place:<\/strong> Los Angeles Valiant (5 WINS \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n3rd place:<\/strong> New York Excelsior (5 WINS \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n4th place:<\/strong> San Francisco Shock (4 WINS \u2013 2 LOSSES)
\n5th place:<\/strong> Los Angeles Gladiators (3 WINS \u2013 3 LOSSES)
\n6th place:<\/strong> Seoul Dynasty (3 WINS \u2013 3 LOSSES)
\n7th place:<\/strong> Philadelphia Fusion (3 WINS \u2013 3 LOSSES)
\n8th place:<\/strong> Houston Outlaws (3 WINS \u2013 3 LOSSES)
\n9th place:<\/strong> London Spitfire (2 WINS \u2013 4 LOSSES)
\n10th place:<\/strong> Dallas Fuel (1 WIN \u2013 5 LOSSES)
\n11th place:<\/strong> Florida Mayhem (1 WIN \u2013 5 LOSSES)
\n12th place:<\/strong> Shanghai Dragons (0 WINS \u2013 6 LOSSES)<\/p>\n

Betting predictions for April 25, 2018<\/h2>\n

Shanghai Dragons (0 W \u2013 6 L) vs. Boston Uprising (6 W \u2013 0 L)<\/h3>\n

Match Time:<\/strong> 4PM PDT, Wednesday April 25<\/p>\n

Shanghai Dragons is on a 26 losing streak, while Boston Uprising is currently the strongest team in the league. Because of this, the result of this match is almost predetermined. Boston Uprising should have no problem getting a 4 \u2013 0 victory over Shanghai Dragons. The worst case scenario in this encounter is a 3 \u2013 1 result for the Boston team.<\/p>\n

Best bet:<\/strong> Boston Uprising with line -1.5, paying $1.30 at GG Bet<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Los Angeles Valiant (5 W \u2013 1 L) vs. Houston Outlaws (3 W \u2013 3 L)<\/h3>\n

Match Time:<\/strong> 6PM PDT, Wednesday April 25<\/p>\n

In its first 5 matches, Los Angeles Valiant crushed every opponent in a convincing way. Seoul Dynasty, Shanghai Dragons, San Francisco Shock, Dallas Fuel and Los Angeles Gladiators experienced Valiant\u2019s might and fell quickly (the first 3 without winning a single map). In its 6th match however, LA Valiant suffered a close defeat at the hands of London Spitfire.<\/p>\n

After finishing Stage 1 on the podium and getting a mediocre result in Stage 2 (7th place), Houston Outlaws started Stage 3 with some poor results and a victory against London Spitfire. However, keep in mind that these bad results came against the 3 strongest teams in OWL at the moment: Boston Uprising, New York Excelsior and Philadelphia Fusion. And 2 of these 3 matches were actually really close (score 2 \u2013 3). Subsequently, we can conclude that in spite of its poor start, Houston Outlaws is actually a fairly strong team. Last week, Outlaws defeated 2 weak opponents, Dallas Fuel and Florida Mayhem, getting their Stage 3 record up to 3 wins and 3 losses.<\/p>\n

The head to head record between these two teams favors Los Angeles Valiant, who won their last and only direct match against Houston Outlaws without dropping a single map. Overall performance throughout the Overwatch League also favors LA Valiant, but only slightly. Current form statistics clearly favor Valiant as well.<\/p>\n

Best bet:<\/strong> Los Angeles Valiant to win, paying $1.61 at GG Bet<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Dallas Fuel (1 W \u2013 5 L) vs. Florida Mayhem (1 W \u2013 5 L)<\/h3>\n

Match Time:<\/strong> 8PM PDT, Wednesday April 25<\/p>\n

This is a battle between two very weak teams and the result is fairly unpredictable, even though Florida Mayhem is slightly favored to win. Both sides have just one win a piece (against Shanghai Dragons and with the exact same score, 3 \u2013 1), and a lot of losses against opponents of various strengths. The only thing that slightly differentiates them is the head to head record. Here, Florida Mayhem leads with a score of 1 \u2013 0.<\/p>\n

Best bet:<\/strong> Florida Mayhem to win, paying $1.36 at GG Bet<\/a>.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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