{"id":14862,"date":"2020-11-12T01:07:50","date_gmt":"2020-11-12T06:07:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=14862"},"modified":"2020-11-12T01:07:50","modified_gmt":"2020-11-12T06:07:50","slug":"latest-esports-gaming-news-thursday-november-12","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/latest-esports-gaming-news-thursday-november-12\/","title":{"rendered":"Latest esports & gaming news – Thursday, November 12"},"content":{"rendered":"

North America esports news<\/h2>\n

The High School Esports League (HSEL) has recruited the US Army to help build 25 esport centers in North America. These workshops will be fitted with high-tech computers and equipment supplied by Intel and Asus. There will also be an education program for students on how to build and maintain these labs. <\/p>\n

Jason Kirby, President of Generation Esports, mentions that the implementation of these facilities will teach students how to set up computers and prepare them for the option of working in the industry.<\/p>\n

Asia esports news<\/h2>\n

EVOS Esports have launched a partnership with Chek Hup coffee. The collaboration is Malaysian based and the coffee company will supply coffee and promote EVOS through brand ambassadorship.<\/p>\n

In turn, EVOS will have the coffee brand on their jerseys and create videos that market Chek Hup\u2019s products. It ought to be a meaningful relationship, as caffeine is an integral part of most gamer\u2019s arsenals. <\/p>\n

Africa esports news<\/h2>\n

Lenovo and Power League Gaming have started a program to celebrate female gamers in the Middle East and North Africa. The duo have launched a platform called Miss Esports, which will reach out to local ambassadors and their female mentors. <\/p>\n

If successful, this will help change the relatively rigid cultural traditions that dominate the region.<\/p>\n

Africans have cottoned on to the potential of the esports industry. Some 17 universities in South Africa alone have included esports into their syllabus.<\/p>\n

The African market isn\u2019t as affluent as the rest of the world when it comes to esports events. Due to COVID and the lack of usual activities, there should be a spike in esport interests.<\/p>\n

Europe esports news<\/h2>\n

The esports betting industry is growing and maturing into a formidable market. It is expected to reach a value of \u20ac670 million by 2023. Deloitte states that there will be a total of 86 million fans in Europe alone and a fan base of 380 million people worldwide. This is something that esports betting sites<\/a> will surely look to make the most out of. <\/p>\n

South America esports news<\/h2>\n

Online gambling brand Betway is in the process of expanding its portfolio. The firm has partnered up with Peruvian Dota 2 esports team Beastcoast. <\/p>\n

The side will have the bookmaker\u2019s brand appear on the shirts of the team for one year. The gaming brand will also collaborate with the Electronic Sports League (ESL) members. Betway will work together with members to create new content for fans.<\/p>\n

Oceania esports news<\/h2>\n

The global esports watchdog, Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC), has found seven CS: GO pro players guilty of cheating. The perpetrators were caught using CS:GO betting sites<\/a> to wager on official games they were playing in. The ESIC has therefore banned them from participation for the next 12 months.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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