{"id":11132,"date":"2020-04-23T01:06:35","date_gmt":"2020-04-23T01:06:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=11132"},"modified":"2020-04-23T01:06:35","modified_gmt":"2020-04-23T01:06:35","slug":"invictus-gaming-vs-keen-gaming-betting-tips-dota2-pro-league","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/invictus-gaming-vs-keen-gaming-betting-tips-dota2-pro-league\/","title":{"rendered":"Invictus Gaming vs Keen Gaming betting tips – Dota2 Pro League"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

INVICTUS GAMING vs KEEN GAMING DOTA 2 BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Dota2 Betting Odds:<\/td>\nIG $1.14 at GG Bet<\/a> | Keen $5.01 at GG Bet<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Dota2 Betting Lines:<\/td>\nIG -1.5 at $1.61 | Keen +1.5 at $2.20<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nApril 25, 2020 at 20:00 CST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nTwitch (https:\/\/www.twitch.tv\/pro_cast2)<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n


Keen Gaming and Invictus Gaming will meet for the four time this year when they clash in Week 4 of China Dota2 Professional League Season 2 this Saturday.<\/p>\n

Invictus have had a fairly successful run through the 2019\/20 Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) season, which they began with a gold medal from DOTA Summit 11. They also claimed an impressive third-place finish at the MDL Chengdu Major and ended 2019 with a silver medal at the World Electronic Sports Games 2019 China Finals. Invictus failed to deliver in the Leipzig Major, however, as they lost to Evil Geniuses (1-2) in the fourth round of the lower bracket to finish in fifth-sixth place. <\/p>\n

In the months that followed, IG won the ESL One Los Angeles 2020 China Closed Qualifier, crashed out of WeSave! Charity Play – China in round one, finished third in China Dota2 Professional League Season 1 and ran fifth at ESL One Los Angeles 2020 – Online: China.<\/p>\n

Invictus Gaming\u2019s results might suggest they are on a slow decline, but it is not fair to bash them too hard for their recent showings. At the WeSave! Charity Play tournament they faced one of the strongest Dota2 esports<\/a> teams in the world in PSG.LGD, while ESL One Los Angeles 2020 – Online: China was a complete mess with upsets happening left and right.<\/p>\n

While there are some positives to take away from IG’s run through the last couple of months, it’s hard to say the same when we look at Keen Gaming’s showings. Since The International 9, where they finished 13th-16th, the Chinese squad have failed to produce any notable results. <\/p>\n

Not only have Keen failed to qualify for a single Dota 2 Major this season, they have also struggled to perform up to par at some lesser tournaments. For example, they finished in seventh-eighth place at the Battle of Dawn last October and then ran fifth-eighth at the Hainan Master Cup the following month.<\/p>\n

On a more positive note, Keen pocketed silver at the Elite Challenge (S1) in December. However, even that achievement was soured by a 0-3 thumping at the hands of Newbee – the only other top-tier team in the tournament. <\/p>\n

In 2020, Keen’s results include seventh place in China Dota2 Professional League Season 1, third in the StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor Season 3 China Qualifier and seventh in the ESL One Los Angeles 2020 China Closed Qualifier.<\/p>\n


Esports bookmakers<\/a> did a fine job placing the odds on this match, as there is no going around the fact Invictus Gaming are the superior team in all aspects.<\/p>\n

Since Keen Gaming made a roster shuffle and brought in Yang “Erica” Shaohan, Zhao “Yds.” Jiayi, Tue “ah fu” Soon Chuan and Xiao “ss” Yihu, they have met with IG only once. That clash at CDA League Season 1 ended in a resounding win for Invictus, who finished with an aggregate kill score of 54-14 and a combined gold lead of more than 28k.<\/p>\n

It is hard to think this bout will end any differently. Trust Invictus Gaming to sweep Keen for the second time this month.<\/p>\n


Invictus Gaming -1.5 maps<\/h4>\n
GG Bet<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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